ADAPT - Representation, UOM & DDI Discussion
ADAPT - Representation, UOM & DDI Discussion
Enumeration Literal | Description |
ISO 11783 - DDI | |
ISO 11783 - SPN | |
J1939 - SPN | |
Proprietary |
Attribute | Type | Multiplicity | Description |
Id | CompoundIdentifier | 1 | Defined somewhere for ADAPT |
Code | String | 1 | Code is a unique representation code that corresponds to the representation's ID in our reference data API / XML file. |
Description | String | 1 | |
LongDescription | String | 0..1 | |
CodeSource | RepresentationCodeSourceEnum | 0..1 | The source for the reference id listed in the enumeration below |
StringRepresentation | |||
Attribute | Type | Multiplicity | Description |
MinCharacters | Integer | 0..1 | |
MaxCharacters | Integer | 0..1 | |
NumericRepresentation | |||
Attribute | Type | Multiplicity | Description |
DecimalDigits | Integer | 1 | |
MinValue | NumericValue | 0..1 | |
MaxValue | NumericValue | 0..1 | |
Dimension | UnitOfMeasureDimensionEnum | 1 | |
EnumeratedRepresentation | |||
Attribute | Type | Multiplicity | Description |
EnumerationMembers | EnumerationMember | 1..* | |
RepresentationGroupId | Integer | 1 | |
UnitType [Not Implemented] | |||
Attribute | Type | Multiplicity | Description |
Id | String | 1 | |
Name | 1 | ||
CompondUnitOfMeasures | CompondUnitOfMeasure | 1..* | List of support unit of measures |
BaseUnitOfMeasure | CompondUnitOfMeasure | 1 | The base unit which will be used for conversion |
CompoundUnitOfMeasure [Not Implemented] | |||
Attribute | Type | Multiplicity | Description |
Components | UnitOfMeasureComponent | 1..* | |
Name | String | 1 | |
Symbol | String | 1 | |
UnitOfMeasureComponent | |||
Attribute | Type | Multiplicity | Description |
Unit | UnitOfMeasure | 1 | |
Power | Integer | 1 | |
UnitOfMeasure | |||
Attribute | Type | Multiplicity | Description |
Id | CompoundIdentifier | 1 | |
Code | String | 1 | This is a string, according to the composite Deere scheme. e.g., m2 |
Scale | Double | 1 | e.g., 1 |
Dimension | UnitOfMeasureDimensionEnum | 1 | |
IsReferenceForDimension | Boolean | 1 | |
Offset | Double | 1 |
Enumeration Literal | Description |
UNRec20 | |
QUDT | |
UCUM | |
NumericRepresentation | |
Id | 1001 |
Name | YieldWetMass |
UnitType | MassType |
RecordedValues | Array of double |
RecordedUnitOfMeasure | kg |
NumericRepresentation | |
Id | 1002 |
Name | ApplicationRate |
UnitType | VolumeAreaType |
RecordedValues | Array of double |
RecordedUnitOfMeasure | litres/ac |
EnteredValues | Array of double |
EnteredUnitOfMeasure | gallon/ac |
NumericRepresentation | |
Id | 1020 |
Name | SectionWidth |
UnitType | LengthType |
RecordedValue | 10 |
RecordedUnitOfMeasure | in |
EnteredValue | 254 |
EnteredUnitOfMeasure | mm |
CompoundUnitOfMeasure | |
Components | lb;ac-1 |
Symbol | lb/ac |
UnitOfMeasure | |
Id | lb |
Name | pounds |
Conversion scale | 1 |
UnitType | MassType |
EnumeratedRepresentation | |
Id | 2001 |
Name | HitchType |
DefinedTypes | ThreePoint, RearTwoPoint, DrawBar, RearPivotWagonHitch, FrontRigidThreePoint |
SelectedDefinedType | ThreePoint |
EnumeratedRepresentation | |
Id | 2002 |
Name | InlineOffsetType |
DefinedTypes | InlineFront, InlineCenter, InlineRear |
SelectedDefinedType | InlineFront |
Note: SPADE and PAIL DDI would be listed as part of the ADAPT representation system.
- Any DDI we do not understand should simply be passed through as-is
- Use existing DDI's, or references to them, to represent well-known data representations
- Use ReferenceId if there is a corresponding ISO DDI
- Use CompoundIdentifier to track id, possibly domain specific id
- Consider migration path to promote agreed-upon data representations to ISO
- UOM's and business rules: Should we be able to assign a unit to a RepresentationNumber that is not supported by its Representation?
- Do we always need a Representation, or are there times we only need a number and UOM?
- Maybe only logged data meters need a representation
- Added UnitNumber so we can have a number and UOM without a representation.
- Will need helper method to get value in particular unit or unit system
- UN Rec20 - Excel sheet
ISO DDI has:
- Numeric entity id
- String "Definition"
- List of Device Classes
- Do we need a DeviceClass enumeration? (Planters, Fertilizer, Sprayers, Irrigation, etc)
- Unit
- Resolution (What is this? Some kind of scaling factor?)
- Range
- Submit by / date / company
- Revision Number
- Current Status (ISO-Published)
- DateTime Status Date
- Status Comments
- Attachments
, multiple selections available,
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