Upcoming meetup to map ADAPT's next steps

Upcoming meetup to map ADAPT's next steps

December 17, 2021

Seven years in, the ADAPT toolkit is widely used for managing and translating field operations data worldwide.

A lot has changed since 2014. For example:

  • Available data sources are growing beyond logged yield, planting and application data

  • The prevalence of cloud computing

  • The rise of Linux usage in commercial settings

  • The standardization of service-oriented, language-independent APIs.

Against this backdrop, ADAPT’s initial focus as an offline Windows/C# toolkit for translating proprietary machine data into a common model needs a refresh. Industry contributors have started expanding on ADAPT, but there is still much to do.

An idea that is gathering momentum is to make a new, platform-independent version of the data model and publish that as a standard, as well as create a community-supported plug-in that allows serializing ADAPT data to a platform-agnostic format.

Join us for a discussion (“meetup”) of the state of digital agriculture, ADAPT’s role within it, where ADAPT needs work, and how we can lay out a roadmap for its future.

Check back soon for date and remote meeting credentials!

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