ADAPT - Summary Attributes Discussion
ADAPT - Summary Attributes Discussion
Attribute | Type | Multiplicity | Description / Comments |
Id | CompoundIdentifier | 1 | |
WorkRecordId | Integer | 1 | |
GrowerId | Integer | 0..1 | |
FarmId | Integer | 0..1 | |
FieldId | Integer | 0..1 | |
CropZoneId | Integer | 0..1 | |
TimeScopes | TimeScope | 0..* | |
PersonRoleIds | Integer | 0..* | |
EquipmentConfigurationGroup | EquipmentConfigurationGroup | 0..1 | |
GuidanceAllocationIds | Integer | 0..* | |
WorkItemIds | Integer | 0..* | |
LoggedDataIds | Integer | 0..* | |
Notes | Note | 0..* | |
SummaryData | StampedMeteredValues | 0..* | |
OperationSummaries | OperationSummary | 0..* | |
Attribute | Type | Multiplicity | Description |
Id | CompoundIdentifier | 1 | |
OperationType | OperationTypeEnum | 1 | |
ProductId | Integer | 1 | |
WorkItemOperationId | Integer | 0..1 | |
Data | StampedMeteredValues | 0..* | |
EquipmentConfigurationIds | Integer | 0..* | |
CoverageShape | MultiPolygon | 0..1 | |
ContextItems | ContextItem | 0..* | |
Description | String | 0..1 |
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