Meeting 8

Meeting 8

Session 1

Stuart Rhea, Ben Craker, Hiroyuki Morita, Conny Graumans, Andres Ferreyra, Graham Mullier

  • Reviewed proposals discussed last time and decision during last meeting on adding is group flag along with the source of the grouping.

    • It was noted that Andres had been advocating for proposal 1, and Stuart for proposal 2, after discussing it was determined Andres was right

  • Was going to update the model, but Stuart has an issue with editing the file, may be just a limitation of the version of Enterprise Architect he is currently suing

  • For plenary in Berlin, will have ~5 mins to do a little intro/pitch of the AHG to get people engaged since people will be able to attend any AG and AHG meetings during the week, not just the ones they are a member of.

    • A primary goal should be to show the value and importance of the AHG to motivate interest

    • First suggestion would be to walk through use cases and show how the proposed model solves practical problems

      • Also looked at a first pass on how a ISO standard for crop definition could be laid out based on looking at other similar ISO standards

      • Idea that this could be used to provide practical application to get feedback and input from the audience

      • Belief that there are maybe two ways this list rolls out:

        • It is not really on peoples radar and do not get much engagement

        • Other option is there is a tidal wave of people wanting to put their information into the model

      • Should also touch on what the maintenance/management of the crop list repository looks like after the group is done and the definition model published

        • Need to male some sort of proposal on what ISO calls a management agency

      • Current plan for 90 minutes, but may get shorter if time is needed to accommodate all the different sessions

        • Propose maybe doing some post-it notes, or if we do digitally on Mural or some similar tool

        • Will have all people in all sessions (unless they wander off - need to make it sound interesting)

        • Will be difficult to do some more small-group type interactions

        • How do we get people to engage, especially getting people to talk in front of the larger group

        • Would be good to have an understanding on how the room is laid out and if we can dived up into sub-groups and rotate around stations in the room - one for each use case?

      • Session timeline

        • 15 minutes intro/background

        • 15 minute rotation of each of the four use cases (60 Minute total)

          • Apply model to use cases, ask for feedback and experience

        • 15 minutes summary recap

    • A general overview of the whole TC, it is hard for most people to follow what all the AHG’s are

      • Would be good to tie this back to the SAG

      • Also explain what an AHG does, how it leads to a WG

      • A 2-page handout or something on how to survive the week, what all the AHG’s, AG’s are

    • Do have the LinkedIn page to share things

    • There is also an official ISO Webpage under development

    • Ended at 9:00 am US Central time

Session 2

Stuart Rhea, Akane Takezaki, Hiroko Miura, Kenneth Irons

Agenda recap, reminder of plenary coming up in Berlin

Level set, recap of work-to-date

Recap of proposals for grouping crops for purposes of making automated decisions

  • e.g. some crop protection labels in some jurisdictions group crops and do not list each individually

Consensus was to go with proposal 1 with group being a special kind of CropDefinition

File shared by Andres corrupt in some way, Stuart unable to edit with above agree upon modifications

Stuart will recreate in a different tool and post to the AHG page on the ISO portal

Reviewed outline/skeleton of draft standard document for crop definition model

  • Current layout has an Annex B for detailed use cases

  • For plenary, plan is to have a 90 minute session that will not have any other concurrent sessions

  • How do we want to use that time with a number of agricultural subject matter experts

    • 15 minute introduction

      • Background and difficulties with the concept of crop

      • Discussion on previous efforts that have not hit the mark

      • Need to put this work in the context of the other AHGs

    • 60 minutes Review the proposed model in the context of each of 4 use cases

      • 15 minutes on each use case and how the model fits

    • Final 15 minutes encouraging engagement, feedback, contribute use cases, etc.

  • Discussion on logistics

    • Will take a few minutes if rotating through each of 4 stations so may only have ~10 minutes for feedback

    • Would be good to have someone familiar with each use case stationed by a white board/poster

    • Could provide initial quick overview and try and drive engagement

  • A big part of the meeting in Berlin should also be cross-functional alignment and how all the different AHGs fit together, how it fits within and without the overall organization

  • Do have a goal to put out a New Work Item Proposal out at the meeting as well

  • Questions on if there is time to discuss the use cases and get into the granularity needed

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