

A Recommendation is a document (or set of documents) that is crop specific and is typically drafted at operational level by a consultant or service provider; it contains all the information contained in a plan but it is more detailed because it identifies "Here's what we think you should do". A grower may have or use 0…n recommendations. A recommendation is the second step of the data sequence and will include: - Identifiers: grower (w/guid), farm (w/guid), field (w/guid). - Crop / variety; with task data by crop and seed variety. - Product(s) - fertilizer, herbicide, treatment, etc - with task data by product and rate. - Grower/producer/service provider validation of equipment to perform task; identification of cultural practice. - Grower/producer/service provider validation of needed license information, i.e. permit ID, site ID, etc. - A prescription (that may be spatially specific). - An entire farm or a specific field or land unit that may or may not be spatially specific.

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