ADAPT Common Object Model

ADAPT Common Object Model

Enterprise Architect

Instruction on downloading/installing ArgoUML for Windows:

  • NOTE: If the ArgoUML installer gives a "No Java Runtime Environment could be found..." error, make sure you have a 32-bit version of the Java Runtime Environment installed.
  • From there ArgoUML should open. 
    • However, you may need to modify the shortcut depending on what version(s) of Java are on your computer. 
    • The shortcut includes a bunch of command line extensions, but at the root points to program files (x86)/Java/jre1.8.0_60/javaw.exe that may be an empty folder 
    • if Java removed previous versions, switch it to program files (x86)/Java/jre1.8.0_65/javaw.exe (the latest version at posting) and it should work. 
    • Due to how it opens with all the extensions you can’t associate the .zargo file type with a program to have it open when you double click it, you will have to open ArgoUml then navigate to the file and open it from within the program.
  • It is also recommended that you update java heap size: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre1.8.0_65\bin\javaw.exe" -Xms64m -Xmx1024m -jar "C:\Program Files (x86)\ArgoUML\argouml.jar"

Data Model Versions

Version / FileUploaded byFormatComments

Syncing with code:

  • Adds list of GeopoliticalContext to Catalog
  • Adding HitchPoint class to model
  • Sync Catalog w code
20201203 Common Data Model.eapxJeff PayneEnterprise Architect
  • Added CalibrationFactors to LoggedData
  • Added OMCode to Obs and ObsCollection
  • Rearranged class diagrams to combat overlapping entities.
20200819 Common Data Model.eapxJeff PayneEnterprise Architect
  • Added new classes (Container, PackagedProduct, & PackagedProductInstance) to the model.
20200813 Common Data Model.eapxJeff PayneEnterprise Architect
  • Added and synchronized classes from the source code.
20200701 Common Data Model.eapxJeff PayneEnterprise Architect
  • Ported model from ArgoUML into Enterprise Architect and recreated class diagrams.
20200428 Common Data Model.zargoAndres FerreyraArgoUML

Incremental progress in syncing the model with the source code. Includes:

  • Cleaned up Document class diagram. LoggedData now includes IrrRecords, and also uses LoggedData and Summaries by reference (as opposed to by value).
  • Cleaned up Irrigation Equipment class diagram. Added relationships between DeviceElement and Manufacturer / Brand / DeviceSeries.
  • Note: There are some required attributes in DeviceElement that should probably be optional. This happens in both code and model, and will need to be discussed with the Technical Team.
  • Note: Logger is in the Model's DeviceElementTypeEnum, but not in the code. We'll need to add and make a pull request accordingly when we add the corresponding Logger and LoggerConfiguration classes, for full Observations & Measurements Setup/Configuration support.
  • Synced up model OperationTypeEnum with source code.
  • The code-model sync is still work in progress!
20200318 Common Data Model.zargoAndres FerreyraArgoUML

Adds / modifies classes related to Products and packaging, discussed in 18 Mar 2020 meeting of ADAPT Technical Team, as follows:

  • ContainerModel: Added supply-chain-friendly physical dimension attributes.
  • PackagedProduct: Added class and attributes therein. Represents all instances of a given Product packaged into a given ContainerModel. Should have support for a geopolitical-context-specific label in the next iteration.
  • ContainedPackagedProduct: Added class and attributes therein. Supports explicitly describing a hierarchy; for example, a pallet that has N cases, each of which has M jugs. This class can take SKUs and GTINs via ContextItems.
  • PackagedProductInstance: Added Class and attributes therein. Represents a specific instance of a packagedProduct (and its contained instances of PackagedProducts). Supports Batch, Lot and Serial numbers via ContextItems, a Holy Grail we've been wanting for a long time!
  • ProductLabel: Added the class and a few initial attributes. This is a placeholder for a class that represents a Product's label. Please don't use yet.
  • LabeledForUse: Added the class and a few initial attributes. This is a placeholder for a class that puts the PackagedProduct (and underlying Product) into context of a ProductLabel and the conditions set forth by that ProductLabel. Please don't use yet.
20190925 Common Data Model.zargoR. Andres Ferreyra (Unlicensed)ArgoUML
  • Fixes a couple of discrepancies between this data model and the ADAPT source code (e.g., in FIeldBoundary).
20190924 Common Data Model.zargoR. Andres Ferreyra (Unlicensed)ArgoUML
  • Includes multiple adjustments that bring the ArgoUML model closer to the actual ADAPT 2.0 source (an ongoing task).
  • Includes implementation of PAIL-related irrigation operations classes.
  • Includes Observations & Measurements (O&M) documents classes (Observations, ObsDataset, ObsCollection, Obs)
  • Includes a draft of the O&M semantics-related classes. This is an as-yet incomplete port of the corresponding PAIL classes, and many of these classes are not yet in the source code. (Expect some changes)
  • Includes a class diagram with the class hierarchy to use in the USDA Cotton Data plug-in being worked on with Cotton, Inc.
  • Includes most recent work on linking Loads, Containers, operations, Load/Unload events, etc. as per Traceability WG work. These classes are not 100% stable yet and are not yet in the source code. (Expect some changes) 
20181018 Common Data Model.zargoR. Andres Ferreyra (Unlicensed)ArgoUML
  • Includes more progress on bringing materials from the PAIL project (Irrigation operations and Observations & Measurements) into ADAPT (This is incomplete).
  • Includes recent work (to be proposed in v2.1) on Traceability: Containers, and ProductContainerActions (generalization of Transfer, Transport, and Container-centric events)
  • Includes recent work on getting the UML model synced with the ADAPT source code. This likely makes this version the best starting point for a UML diagram that represents ADAPT v2.0 (work to come).
  • Proposed implementation of Place is different from the previously-posted version, seeking to be non-breaking and use composition instead of inheritance. Place is needed for Transfer events (see ProductCOntainerAction class) and the features of interest of Observations. 
  • DISCLAIMER: This model is incomplete, in that it does not include all the recent additions to the source code related to PAIL (irrigation). Also, the walkthrough to bring it in line with the source code, while started, is not yet complete. Please check back in December 2018, after the v2.0 release.
20170823 Common Data Model.zargoR. Andres Ferreyra (Unlicensed)ArgoUML
  • Incremental progress on proposed ISO 19156 (Observations & Measurements) implementation.
  • Includes an (as-yet incomplete) proposed common ancestor class to Position, Location and Facility, called Place. (An upcoming version will propose a common ancestor to Person and Company, called Party).
  • The Observations & Measurements work is included in a new Class diagram.
  • This is incomplete; there are numerous places (e.g., Product, DeviceElement) where it will likely make sense to include OM objects or a container thereof.
20170518 Common Data Model.zargoR. Andres Ferreyra (Unlicensed)ArgoUML

Includes materials added during CART F2F in Minneapolis on May 16-18. Major points:

  • Changed the name of the ContainerUse class to ContainerAction
  • Changed cardinality of ContainerAction.ProductId from 1 to 0..1, to enable actions that do not involve products (e.g., cleaning)
  • Changed ContainerUseTypeEnum.Permanent to "Fixed", for greater consistency with the concepts of fixed and mobile assets.
  • Changed ContainerActionEnum.BringToEmpty to SetAmount, following a long discussion about
  • Added several classes to the Observations class diagram, fleshing out (albeit slightly incompletely) the Observations Core Document, the Code Components functionality, and PAIL (observations) compatibility. A little more work is needed here.
20170503 Common Data Model.zargoR. Andres Ferreyra (Unlicensed)ArgoUML

Cleans up some of the class diagrams.

Includes some recent assorted v2 tweaks from Technical Team meetings.

Adds GrowerId to field for ISO 11783 compatibility.

Replaces, in OperationSummary, ProductId[0..1]: Integer with ProducttUses[0..*]: ProductUse. This is meant to make it possible to keep together references to multiple products used in a single field operation, in the context where a tank mix is not explicitly declared.

20170217 Common Data Model.zargoR. Andres Ferreyra (Unlicensed)ArgoUMLCleaned up all the unnamed associations
20170216 Common Data Model.zargoR. Andres Ferreyra (Unlicensed)ArgoUMLLabels more relationships, removes a couple of spurious classes. Incorporates a couple of developments from ADAPT technical team device-related meetings.
20170130 Common Data Model.zargoR. Andres Ferreyra (Unlicensed)ArgoUMLLabels relationships on the Guidance class diagram. Includes some (draft) thoughts on Messages.
20170112 Common Data Model.zargoR. Andres Ferreyra (Unlicensed)ArgoUMLFile emerging from the face-to-face meeting in Minneapolis. Has a few clarifications and corrections, mostly in the Equipment and Device class diagrams.
20161207 Common Data Model.zargoR. Andres Ferreyra (Unlicensed)ArgoUMLCleans up all inheritance relationships, and several dozen associations. Still work left to do on that front.
20161206 Common Data Model.zargoR. Andres Ferreyra (Unlicensed)ArgoUMLResolves a handful of orphaned attributes (type was somehow removed). Also tightens up a few class diagrams, hides some empty operation compartments.
20161129 Common Data Model.zargoR. Andres Ferreyra (Unlicensed)ArgoUMLNo content changes. Includes some class diagram reformatting (done during an AgGateway-Europe call) to improve legibility.
20161123A Common Data Model.zargoR. Andres Ferreyra (Unlicensed)ArgoUML

Result from today's Technical Meeting:

  • Removes ModeOfAction id list from ActiveIngredient (Modes of action will be best implemented as ContextItems)
  • Adds TimeScopes list to AvailableProduct. (Enables capturing validity ranges for the relationship with the grower.)
  • Converts CropNutritionIngredientEnum to an EnumeratedRepresentation
20161006A ContextItem.zargoArgoUML
  • Introduces a Source object usable by ContextItemDefinitions and ContextItemEnumItems
  • Introduces a "Candidate" status for ContextItemDefinitions and ContextItemEnumItems
  • Rearranged shapes on the main class diagram to print nicely.
20161003A ContextItem.zargoArgoUML
  • Removed CompoundIdentifiers because ContextItemDefinitions are referenced by their code (as opposed to an arbitrary ID).
  • Also, given the local scope of CompoundIdentifiers' (required) ReferenceIds, it makes little sense to attempt to import one into a target ADM instance where that ReferenceId may already be in use.

Known Issues:

  • We need to implement a mechanism for representing the source of a ContextItemDefinition and possibly other things.
20160819B ContextItem.zargoR. Andres Ferreyra (Unlicensed)ArgoUML
  • Adds GeoPoliticalContext and ModelScope literals to the RelationSubjectTypeEnum and RelationObjectTypeEnum. This enables:
    • Asserting relationships among corresponding elements in different GPC andModelScope vocabularies (e.g., ADAPT.Farm to ISO11783.FRM, the FAO and GeoNames entries for USA, etc.)
    • Linking individual entries in the ModelScope and GeopoliticalContext vocabularies with external URIs for documetation. (IsDescribedBy relationship!)
20160819A ContextItem.zargoArgoUML
  • Adds a SourceValue attribute to both GeoPoliticalContext and ModelScope classes, to enable the simultaneous existence of a unique, composite (Type+SourceValue) Code along with the original value from the source vocabulary (the SourceValue).
20160819 ContextItem.zargoArgoUML
  • Adds GPCTypeEnum to accommodate multiple sources of geopolitical context data.
  • Adds comments regarding the naming convention for enum items that will be used for querying from the ContextItem reference data API (e.g., ModelScopeTypeEnum)
  • Adds IsBroaderThan and IsNarrowerThan literals to RelationTypeEnum
  • Labels all relationships
20160818 Common Data Model.zargoArgoUML
  • Adds TemporaryStorage to FacilityTypeEnum as per request by SPADE3 Crop Nutrition Team.
  • Corrections to relationship types and cardinalities in classes shown in Person class diagram, as per OAGi-NIST feedback.

20160720 Common Data Model.zargo

Corresponds generally to release.

  • Includes recent changes introduced from checking done by Stuart Rhea (Unlicensed)
  • Also fixes (and labels) composition relationships shown in the Contextitem class diagram, that were incorrect in previous versions.
20160701 Common Data Model.zargoArgoUMLLatest working version of the ADAPT common object model, including results of the latest round of use-case-mediated testing. 
20160610A ContextItem.zargoArgoUMLLatest working version of the ContextItem - ContextItemDefinition system. This will be worked into the Common Object Model ASAP.
20160602 ContextItem.zargoArgoUMLLatest working version of the ContextItem - ContextItemDefinition system. This will be worked into the Common Object Model ASAP.
20160524 Common Data Model.zargoR. Andres Ferreyra (Unlicensed)ArgoUMLLatest working copy. Incorporates some new discussion about Machine/Implement ↔ Device/DevicecElement. Should be followed by a new version soon.
20160506 Common Data Model.zargoR. Andres Ferreyra (Unlicensed)ArgoUMLPrimarily incorporates latest work on Product.

Known issues:

  • Load / ContainerUse / ProductAllocation still needs to be harmonized.
  • Need to finish incorporating agreed-upoon changes to Equipment classes and Product classes.
  • TImeScope is used inconsistently (but has been fixed in code)
    • Must ensure it's used by Value throughout
    • Multiplicity on classes that bind 2 other things: 0..N
20160428 Common Data Model.zargoArgoUML

latest working copy. Primarily includes sub-classes of GuidancePattern. There are still a couple of unresolved issues there. Known issues:

  • Load / ContainerUse / ProductAllocation still needs to be harmonized.
  • Need to finish incorporating agreed-upoon changes to Equipment classes and Product classes.
  • TImeScope is used inconsistently (but has been fixed in code)
    • Must ensure it's used by Value throughout
    • Multiplicity on classes that bind 2 other things: 0..N
20160418 Common Data Model.zargoArgoUMLLatest working copy.
20160413 Common Data Model.zargoArgoUML

Latest working copy. Known issues:

  • Load / ContainerUse / ProductAllocation still needs to be harmonized.
  • TImeScope is used inconsistently.
    • Must ensure it's used by Value throughout
    • Multiplicity on classes that bind 2 other things: 0..N
PDFData Model from 12.1.15 in PDF format
20151201 Common Data Model.zargoArgoUMLChanges centered mostly around prescription. This is our "almost Beta" version! (smile)
20151125 Common Data Model.zargoArgoUMLChanges centered around LoggedData and Summary.
20151120 Common Data Model.zargoArgoUMLChanges centered around Product / Ingredient and Summary (see new classes associated with it.) Work still in progress!!
20151111 Common Data Model.zargoArgoUMLMultiple minor changes since 20151006. See /wiki/spaces/ADAPT/pages/57672248 for specifics.
Data model handout from ADAPT Technical Session - AgGateway Annual Meeting -  
20151106 Common Data Model.zargoArgoUMLMultiple minor changes since 20151006. See /wiki/spaces/ADAPT/pages/57672248 for specifics.
20151103 Common Data Model.zargoArgoUMLMultiple changes since 20151029. See /wiki/spaces/ADAPT/pages/57672248 for specifics.
20151029 Common Data Model.zargoArgoUML

Many small changes, some cosmetic, some important. The vast majority were:

  • Changing "ID" to "Id" throughout.
  • Ensuring that standalone objects' Id is of type CompoundIdentifier (and not Integer)
  • Ensuring that objects include ContextItems by value (i.e., list of ContextItem) and not by reference (i.e., list of Integer)
  • Cleaned up all spurious or redundant inheritance relationships
  • Named all inheritance relationships
20151028 Common Data Model.zargoArgoUML

Modified Trait, based on document from Seed Council / Standards & Guidelines

Changed type of CropVariety.TraitIDs from Trait to Integer

Removed SPADE Extensions view (redundant).

20151022 Common Data Model.zargoArgoUMLContains work done in the morning of 20151022.
20151021 Common Data Model.zargoArgoUML Contains work done on 20151021.
20151020 Common Data Model.zargoArgoUML Contains work done on 20151020.
20151019 Common Data Model.zargoArgoUML Contains additions since 20151001.
20151001 Common Data Model.zargoArgoUML
Contains additions since 20150926 (see Parking Lot). Unfortunately the 20150926 file was corrupted, and the work done that day was lost. Stuart Rhea (Unlicensed) and R. Andres Ferreyra (Unlicensed) will identify and fix it ASAP.
ADAPT Common Object ModelArgoUMLContains a series of additions since 20150916, documented in the Parking Lot page. The majority is enumerations added, or material moved from the wiki, plus a variety of changes made for consistency as per the parking lot. Includes the Connector fix that enables representing relationships between Machines and Implements.
20150916 Common Data Model.zargoArgoUMLContains multiple changes since 9/3/2015, documented in /wiki/spaces/ADAPT/pages/57672248. Note the new Facility class; the changes to Connector and its usage by MachineCOnfiguration and ImplementConfiguration; and referencecs to all three from OperationData.
20150903 Common Data Model.zargoArgoUMLContains multiple changes since 8/20/2015, documented in /wiki/spaces/ADAPT/pages/57672248
20150820 Common Data Model.zargoArgoUMLContains ContactInfo port from wiki, incl. a new enumeration. See 8/20 /wiki/spaces/ADAPT/pages/57672248
20150819 Common Data Model.zargoArgoUMLContains several sessions' worth of corrections and additions. See 8/11-8/19 entries in /wiki/spaces/ADAPT/pages/57672248 and /wiki/spaces/ADAPT/pages/68813228
20150810 Common Data Model.zargoArgoUMLCleaner; contains several sessions' worth of corrections.
20150722 Common Data Model.zargoArgoUMLData model following a cleanup session.
20150716A Common Data Model.zargoArgoUMLData model as of end-of-day, 7/16/2015 (F2F ADAPT team work)
20150716 Common Data Model.zargoArgoUMLData model as of noon, 7/16/2015 (F2F ADAPT team work)
20150715 Common Data Model.zargoArgoUML
Included modifications made in ADAPT F2F meeting in Des Moines. See 7/15/2015 entries in /wiki/spaces/ADAPT/pages/57672248
20150714 Common Data Model.zargo


Included modifications made in ADAPT F2F meeting in Des Moines. See 7/14/2015 entries in /wiki/spaces/ADAPT/pages/57672248
20150713 Common Data Model.zargoArgoUML
See 7/13/2015 entries in /wiki/spaces/ADAPT/pages/57672248
20150629 Common Data Model.zargoArgoUMLSee 7/1/2015 and 6/29/2015 entries in /wiki/spaces/ADAPT/pages/57672248
20150619 Common Data Model.zargoArgoUMLSee 6/15/15, 6/16/15, 6/17/15 and 6/19/15 entries in /wiki/spaces/ADAPT/pages/57672248
20150601 Common Data Model.zargoArgoUML
20150522 Common Data Model.zargoArgoUML
05082015 ADAPT - ADM.mdxmlMagicDraw
20150317 Common Data Model.zargoArgoUMLThis version includes some minor fixes arising from the SPADE data buckets meeting in Atlanta on 3/17 - 3/18/15. You will need to install the ArgoUML software package (http://argouml.tigris.org/) to view the contents.
20150218 Common Data Model.zargoArgoUML
20150210 Common Data Model.zargoArgoUML

20150129 Common Data Model.zargo



20141124 Common Data Model.zargoArgoUML

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