Participants: Jeremy W Wilson, Ben Craker (Unlicensed), R. Andres Ferreyra (Unlicensed), Shannon Haringx (Unlicensed)
- Need a way for new PAC members who are not part of the usual suspects to engage and participate.
- Suggestion: create a list of specific tasks people can do to contribute where needs exist and track in the kanban board. Multiple JIRA projects, multiple kanban boards for each product/project.
- How to align people with the right projects/products when they become engaged?
- Suggested Onboarding Process:
- Initial onboarding session with one of the usual suspects to walk them through the various projects under the Precision Ag Council.
- Once they identify an area of interest, setup a deeper dive with the project owners to walk them through the Implementation Materials Matrix giving an overview of each of the products.
- Once they identify a specific area of interest, setup a deeper dive into the products of interest.
- Maintain a list of tasks within each product (kanban board) that need resources to engage and assign one or more tasks to the newcomer to ensure continued involvement
- Assign a mentor to periodically touch base with newcomer to ensure they are continuing engagement and understanding of what is going on within respective projects/products