AgGateway Observations and Measurements

AgGateway Observations and Measurements


This is work in progress, describing part of the PAIL project, dedicated to Observations & Measurements. Check back soon!


Thank you for checking out AgGateway's Observations & Measurements Home Page.

If your company sees value in managing observations data (weather, soil water, scouting, lab data, etc.) in a standardized, efficient way, you've come to the right place!

Here you can find out more about AgGateway's work on this subject and take the next steps to joining the effort.  

The Basics

Farmers must make decisions at every step of a crop season. These decisions are often driven by observations and measurements out in the field (soil wetness and temperature, pest pressure, crop development stage, etc.) and on other farm assets (scales, grain bins, etc.) The data being collected often ends up in spreadsheets or text files, forgotten or nearly so. Standardizing the data so its meaning can be preserved and so it can be easily shared with consultants, agronomists, and decision-support software, is one of the goals taken on by AgGateway's PAIL project (specifically, Part 2).

The goal of the PAIL project is to provide an industry-wide format that will enable the exchange and use of data to and from irrigation management systems, which are currently stored in a variety of proprietary formats.

For an overview of the problems being tackled by this part of PAIL and the approach we're taking, please review:

To understand more about what the project is about, what's in scope, and to see the project budget, please visit AgGateway PAIL Project Charter and Budget

How it works

In order to best serve and protect the participating stakeholders, all AgGateway project activities are governed by the organization's Antitrust policy and Intellectual Property Rights policy. Their text can be viewed using the following links:

Within these guidelines, PAIL participants participate in one or more sub-team projects (called "sprints"). Here we outline the business case, identify what users need to be successful, and either find existing data standards to adopt, or define and publish new standards. Whether your experience is on the business side or in the technical arena, we can use your expertise and enthusiasm.

Who is already participating?

We're 20+ companies, ranging from irrigation equipment OEMs to sensor manufacturers, to software companies to system integrators. Some of us are direct competitors. All of us share the goal of helping growers irrigate more efficiently by sharing actionable data.

  The full list can be viewed at PAIL Participating Companies

Why are they participating?

"Interoperability is a vital part of getting the most from technology in agriculture." J. Matthew Pryor, CEO Observant

Our ClearAg ecosystem of services leverages interoperability and information exchange across the disciplines of agronomy and environmental monitoring and modeling, including field operations.  We are pleased to be a part of PAIL to help maximize the efficiency of how our industry collects, exchanges, and leverages diverse data sources and expertise to ensure agriculture is most effectively using the world’s most valuable natural resource.” Brent Shaw, Iteris

"With a common set  of data standards in place, industry can deliver much more efficient, easy-to-use solutions for producers, which will help them use available water more effectively.” Terry Schiltz, CEO AgSense

Because of the PAIL project, in precision irrigation today, moving data successfully is now a priority instead of a nuisance.” Andy Smith, Valmont

How can YOU participate?

All PAIL participants must be members of AgGateway. Not a member? It's easy to sign up. Just contact Member.Services@AgGateway.org.

To join the PAIL Project, please return a signed and scanned copy of the PAIL Commitment Letter to our Portfolio Manager Ben Craker at ben.craker@aggateway.org 

You can also contact Ben with any questions or for more information.

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