second crop

second crop

A second crop of the same agricultural commodity as the first crop, or a crop of a different agricultural commodity following the first crop, planted on the same acreage as the first crop for harvest in the same crop year, except the term does not include a replanted crop. With respect to a single crop year, the next occurrence of planting any agricultural commodity for harvest following a first insured crop on the same acreage. The second crop may be the same or a different agricultural commodity as the first insured crop, except the term does not include a replanted crop. A cover crop, planted after a first insured crop and planted for the purpose of haying, grazing or otherwise harvesting in any manner or that is hayed or grazed during the crop year, or that is otherwise harvested is considered to be a second crop. A cover crop that is covered by Farm Service Agency's (FSA) noninsured crop disaster assistance program (NAP) or receives other USDA benefits associated with forage crops will be considered as planted for the purpose of haying, grazing or otherwise harvesting. A crop meeting the conditions stated herein will be considered to be a second crop regardless of whether or not it is insured. Notwithstanding the references to haying and grazing as harvesting in the crop insurance policy Basic Provisions, for the purpose of determining the end of the insurance period, harvest of the crop will be as defined in the applicable Crop Provisions.

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