2025 North America Mid-Year Meeting Agenda

2025 North America Mid-Year Meeting Agenda

Monday, June 9th

[ TuesdayWednesdayThursday ]

Start Time

End Time

Working Groups

Meetups / Professional Development

Education / Training

Closed / Invitation Only

Start Time

End Time

Working Groups

Meetups / Professional Development

Education / Training

Closed / Invitation Only



Registration Desk Open



Member Services Live




Reserved for Quick Connect Meetings

  • Description: Quick Connect is a unique opportunity to meet with some of your most important trading partners to determine how to better connect electronically - from booking and delivery to invoicing and inventory management. These sessions allow trading partners to discuss one-on-one what they need to do and what connections they need to build. Participants often come away from these meetings with an execution timetable and a clearer understanding of how to utilize AgGateway electronic messages and resources for a successful implementation.

  • SignUp Link Here

  • Location: Altoona Room





Refreshment Break



Agrisemantics Committee Workshop

  • Organizer: Andres Ferreyra

  • Location:

  • Description: Semantic resources are an increasing important component of many AgGateway working groups and digital resources. This workshop will focus on addressing some of the top priorities and requirements to support other efforts within the organization.

Reserved for Quick Connect Meetings

  • Description: Quick Connect is a unique opportunity to meet with some of your most important trading partners to determine how to better connect electronically - from booking and delivery to invoicing and inventory management. These sessions allow trading partners to discuss one-on-one what they need to do and what connections they need to build. Participants often come away from these meetings with an execution timetable and a clearer understanding of how to utilize AgGateway electronic messages and resources for a successful implementation.

  • SignUp Link Here

  • Location: Altoona Room


North America Steering Committee

  • Organizer: Jeremy Wilson

  • Location: Polk






First Time Attendees Luncheon

Are you new to AgGateway, or a first-time attendee at the Mid-Year Meeting? This luncheon will provide you with information and contacts you need to make your first AgGateway meeting a high-value experience.

Location: Salon 2/3



Lunch - On Your Own



Work Order - Work Record Exchange

  • Organizer: Ben Craker

  • Slides/Handouts:

  • Description: The Closer Loop Spray developed a model and requirements for exchanging a recommendation for a crop protection application, through a work order and finally to a work record. This working group will use that work to gap check the ADAPT Standard to propose changes and/or develop additional documentation to support the use case.

  • Location

Reserved for Quick Connect Meetings

  • Description: Quick Connect is a unique opportunity to meet with some of your most important trading partners to determine how to better connect electronically - from booking and delivery to invoicing and inventory management. These sessions allow trading partners to discuss one-on-one what they need to do and what connections they need to build. Participants often come away from these meetings with an execution timetable and a clearer understanding of how to utilize AgGateway electronic messages and resources for a successful implementation.

  • SignUp Link Here

  • Location: Altoona Room

AgGateway Essentials

  • Presenter: Nikki Marshall

  • Slides/Handouts:

  • Description: Recommended for new members and first-time attendees, but all are welcome to attend! This session will provide an introduction to AgGateway activities and how we operate.

  • Location: Skinner C







ISO TC347 Update

  • Organizer: Brent Kemp

  • Slides/Handouts:

  • Description: The International Organization for Standardization Technical Committee 347 on Data Driven Agrifood Systems had it’s first in-person plenary meeting in March. This session will review the outcome of that meeting, current work happening withing the technical committee, and the relation to AgGateway projects and resources.

  • Location:

Ag Retail Meetup

  • Organizer:

  • Slides/Handouts:

  • Description: Join this interactive group to brainstorm what challenges Ag Retail faces today and help drive what we want to start working on tomorrow. Open to all member organizations, not just Ag Retailers. Come join the discussion!

  • Location

Reserved for Quick Connect Meetings

  • Description: Quick Connect is a unique opportunity to meet with some of your most important trading partners to determine how to better connect electronically - from booking and delivery to invoicing and inventory management. These sessions allow trading partners to discuss one-on-one what they need to do and what connections they need to build. Participants often come away from these meetings with an execution timetable and a clearer understanding of how to utilize AgGateway electronic messages and resources for a successful implementation.

  • SignUp Link Here

  • Location: Altoona Room


How We Collaborate at AgGateway:
Wiki 101 / MyAgGateway 101

  • Presenters: Nikki Marshall and Leslie Hedges

  • Slides/Handouts:

  • Description: Your contributions to the AgGateway mission will be easier and less stressful when you understand how we use the two key tools of collaboration: the AgGateway Wiki and MyAgGateway. The Wiki houses all of the key organizational resources, and in the first half of this session you will learn how to find what you are looking for. This will include learning how to create meeting agendas, add meeting minutes, copy pages, view page history, import documents, link to documents, add dynamic content, and more. The second half of this session will focus on AgGateway’s member portal MyAgGateway. Topics covered will include how to access the member directory, how to update your profile, how to review and pay an open invoice, and much more.

  • Location: Skinner C




Welcome Reception: AgGateway’s Night at the Races!

We are pleased to announce that Prairie Meadows will once again be hosting live horse racing during the Mid-Year Meeting! Everyone attending the conference will be invited to take part in the food, networking, and fun as we enjoy racing action at AgGateway’s Night at the Races. Don’t miss this opportunity to network with other members, vendors, customers, and staff!

Location: Racetrack Pavilion


Tuesday, June 10th

[ MondayWednesdayThursday ]

Start Time

End Time

Working Groups

Meetups / Professional Development


Closed / Invitation Only

Start Time

End Time

Working Groups

Meetups / Professional Development


Closed / Invitation Only



Registration Desk Open



Grab and Go Breakfast


5:00 pm

Member Services Live



Dairy Feed Data

  • Organizer: Dr. Kristan Reed?

  • Slides/Handouts:

  • Description: The group will present the use cases, data requirements and draft data model developed by the Working Group. Discussion will then shift to what topics if any membership would like to work on next in this area.

  • Location:

Seed Meetup

  • Organizer:

  • Slides/Handouts:

  • Description: Hear the latest about Seed Connectivity messages and implementation successes. This is also a designated time to hear pain points related to seed and discuss what would be most helpful in the next 18 months to further connectivity and make processes more efficient related to seed. Come and bring your connectivity questions and your pain points!

  • Location:


  • Presenters: Chris Crutchfield

  • Slides/Handouts:

  • Description: This education session will provide an overview of the AGIIS functionality and services provided. We will also discuss any new enhancements and modifications made in 2025. This session is recommended for individuals that are new to Ag Industry Identification System and are looking to increase their knowledge of entity and product identification.

  • Location: Skinner C

AgGateway Board of Directors

  • Organizer: Brent Kemp

  • Description: The 2025 Board of Directors will meet.

  • Location: Polk




  • Organizer: Ben Craker

  • Slides/Handouts:

  • Description: AgGateway members developed the PICS imagery metadata standard, however for a variety of reasons it has not been widely adopted. The majority of the industry is now using STAC. This working group will gap check STAC PICS to ensure it meets all requirements.

  • Location:

Feed & Grain Meetup

  • Organizer:

  • Slides/Handouts:

  • Description:

    Please join this open session to discuss ongoing challenges faced within the Crop Nutrition industry and explore the possibility of developing or improving the digital connectivity resources necessary to meet those challenges.

  • Location:


  • Presenters: Chris Crutchfield

  • Location:

  • Description:



Refreshment Break





Opening General Session and Keynote Presentation

  • AgGateway Business Update

    • Brent Kemp, President and CEO

  • Keynote Presentation: TBA

Location: Bishop C



Lunch - On Your Own



Weather Data API

  • Organizer:

  • Slides/Handouts:

  • Description: The weather data API team will provide an update on their work to-date and discuss next steps. If your organization manages weather data connections to one or more providers, this session will be of interest.

  • Location:

Crop Nutrition Meetup

  • Organizer:

  • Slides/Handouts:

  • Description: Please join this open session to discuss ongoing challenges faced within the Crop Nutrition industry and explore the possibility of developing or improving the digital connectivity resources necessary to meet those challenges.

  • Location:





Refreshment Break



Field Boundary Meetup

  • Organizer: Zach Leiser

  • Slides/Handouts:

  • Description: Having completes the GNSS Accuracy work by propositioning additions to the ADAPT Standard, the discussion will focus on an update on the status with ADAPT as well as reviewing what, if any aspect of field boundaries members would like to address next.

  • Location:

Communications Committee

  • Organizer: Paul Schrimpf

  • Slides/Handouts:

  • Description: Review first half communications activities and build out plan for the remainder of 2024, including promotion of Annual Conference.

  • Location: Polk






  • Organizer: Ben Craker

  • Slides/Handouts:

  • Description: The team will present the completed v2 Plant Tissue Methods list, as well as a general update and discussion on all things Modus. Discussion on what method list to address next as well as determining next steps for a v2 schema proposal.

  • Location:

Crop Protection Meetup

  • Organizer:

  • Slides/Handouts:

  • Description: Please join this open session to discuss ongoing challenges faced within the Crop Protection industry and explore the possibility of developing or improving the digital connectivity resources necessary to meet those challenges.

  • Location:





Networking Reception

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to network with other members, vendors, customers, and staff!

Location: Photo Finish Lounge

Sponsored by our Gold Sponsor:


Wednesday, June 11th

[ MondayTuesdayThursday ]

Start Time

End Time

Working Groups

Meetups / Professional Development


Closed / Invitation Only

Start Time

End Time

Working Groups

Meetups / Professional Development


Closed / Invitation Only



Registration Desk Open



Grab and Go Breakfast



Member Services Live



Data Ethics

  • Organizer: Stuart Rhea

  • Slides/Handouts: Whitepaper

  • Description: We will review any feedback on the Data Ethics whitepaper from the broader organization and discuss plans for publication.

  • Location:

Allied Provider Meetup

  • Organizer:

  • Slides/Handouts:

  • Description: Please join this open session to discuss ongoing challenges faced by allied providers and explore what AgGateway resources might help address issues, and what changes to existing resources or new development could help address any issues identified.

  • Location:





Dispensing Update

  • Organizer:

  • Slides/Handouts:

  • Description: Since the original Dispensing Work Order and Dispensing Work Record messages were created use cases and technology have shifted. This group will focus on documenting those changes and developing a new version of the messages to meet the industry’s needs.

  • Location:






Refreshment Break





  • Organizer: Kelly Nelson, Stuart Rhea, Dan Danford

  • Slides/Handouts:

  • Description: All things ADAPT, a brief update on the ADEAPT Framework with the bulk of the session focused on the current status and direction of the ADAPT Standard.

  • Location:


Member Advisory Panel

  • Organizer: Leslie Hedges

  • Slides/Handouts:

  • Description: Discussion will focus on AgGateway resources (Wiki, website, MyAgGateway) and how we can improve the user/member experience. All members are encouraged to join this interactive session.

  • Location:




Networking Lunch

Come and network with others while enjoying lunch!

Location: Bishop B







Entity ID Workshop


  • Organizer: Jim Wilson

  • Slides/Handouts:

  • Description: This will be a closed session for a face-to-face workshop for WG27 Entity ID.

  • Location:




Conference Committee

  • Organizer: Scott Meredith

  • Slides/Handouts:

  • Description: We will discuss plans and next steps for the 2025 Annual Conference in Clearwater Beach, Florida. All individuals interested in helping to improve our face-to-face meetings, please join us!

  • Location: Altoona Room


Thursday, June 12th

[ MondayTuesdayWednesday ]

Start Time

End Time

Working Groups

Meetups / Professional Development


Closed / Invitation Only

Start Time

End Time

Working Groups

Meetups / Professional Development


Closed / Invitation Only



Registration Desk Open



Grab and Go Breakfast



Member Services Live






Entity ID Workshop


  • Organizer: Jim Wilson

  • Slides/Handouts:

  • Description: This will be a closed session for a face-to-face workshop for WG27 Entity ID.

  • Location: