Sales Reporting Format Capabilities

Sales Reporting Format Capabilities


  • Yes=company is currently capable of receiving this format;
  • No=company is not capable at this time; 
  • Target MM/YYYY=the targeted date to be capable to receive this format
  • Please provide the versions that you are capable of receiving - if known
 Company Name

Standardized Flat

File Format (Excel)

EDI-X12 (867) Format

XML Product

Movement Report

1Adaptris/F4FYesAll versionsAll versions
2AgDataYes3010, 4010, 4020All versions
3AmVAC/ AgDataYes3010, 4010, 4020All versions
4BASF CorporationYes3010, 4010, 4020V4.0
5Bayer CropScience No867 - 3010, 4010, 4020 V4.0, V5.0
6Crystal Certified Yes  
7Dow AgroSciences/ Mycogen Yes867, 3010, 4010, 4020  V4.0 (Crops/Specialty), V5.0 (Seed)
8DuPont/ Pioneer   
9ElemicaYes3040, 4010V4.0, V5.0
10FMC / AgDataYes3010, 4010, 4020All versions
11Focus Technology GroupYes

867 - 4010, 4020

All versions
12MonsantoTarget=Q2/2017NoYes - V4.0 (CP/Seed), V5.0 (Seed)
13SyngentaNo2002 or higher; primarily utilizing 4010 with most distributors

Crop Protection – V4.0

Seeds – V4.0 or higher
14ValentYes - through Focus867 - 4010, 4020All versions
15XS, Inc.YesNoAll versions

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