Approved or Completed

  1. Generic Web Services Guidelines
  2. GPS Coordinate Reporting Guidelines
  3. RFID Guidelines (Coming Soon)
  4. Standards Support Guidelines
  5. Guidelines Harmonization Project Charter
  6. Standards and Guidelines Development and Maintenance Processes
  7. Alfalfa Reporting Guidelines
  8. Yield Sensor Reporting Guideline (Precision Ag Council) 
  9. Seed Product Directory Guidelines.

Draft (for Review)

There are currently no documents for Review.

Under Discussion

  1. Conversation ID Length
  2. Crop Nutrient Council Web Services API
  3. CPAId Element Work-Around to Support Cleo Communications Applications
  4. Glossary Management Process
  5. AgGateway/GlobalRange Standards Integration Collaboration
  6. Tonnage Reporting
  7. SC-II New Messages


Change Request Log (Coming soon)


Guidelines Harmonization Project (Coming soon)
