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Past calendars:

 Communications Plan / Notes
January 14-16

VISION Conference

January 17-18

KARTA - Kansas Ag Research and Technology Association - Junction City, KS

February 11-13

Agricultural Equipment Technology Conference - Louisville, KY

Jim Wilson attending to receive AE50 award for ADAPT 2.0 framework & ISO plug-in

R. Andres Ferreyra (Unlicensed) attending to present AgGateway work on formats & meaning (Presentation) and to provide an AgGateway update to ASABE's Agricultural Electronics committee MS23-19.

Feb 26 - Mar 2

Commodity Classic - Orlando, FL

March 11-13

2nd U.S. Semantic Technologies Symposium - Durham, NC

Evan Wallace is an organizer of the event's Agricultural Data session.

R. Andres Ferreyra (Unlicensed) attending to present AgGateway interoperability work at that session.

March 24-26

CGIAR Platform for Big Data in Agriculture: Ag & Climate Change Conference - Budapest, Hungary

April 1-4

Research Data Alliance (RDA) plenary - Philadelphia, PA

R. Andres Ferreyra (Unlicensed) submitted an abstract for the Agricultural Data Interest Group at the 13th Plenary of Research Data Alliance.

talking about interoperability

Interesting note: RDA provides decks of cards that have problem/solution cases on them with a QR code for more info - like mini-flyers - Andres will bring an example to Mid-Year.

"Opportunities and Lessons Learnt from AgGateway’s field operations interoperability effortBy Andres Ferreyra (Syngenta)Data sharing and reuse in the industrial field-operations space has the potential to unlock huge value for farmers and their business partners, but it has been limited by two fundamental interoperability challenges: Lack of common data formats, lack of common semantics (meanings)
An collaborative international effort (reflected in the SPADE, PAIL and ADAPT projects) has been taking place since 2011 in the context of the AgGateway organization, which brought together machine and implement manufacturers (OEMs), farm management information system (FMIS) companies and service providers to implement existing standards, and work with standards organizations to create new ones where appropriate standards didn’t fit or exist.
Key lessons from the process include:
* Implementation of these solutions by OEMs and FMIS companies requires significant allocation of resources, which is difficult in the context of “lean” organizations. A chicken-and-egg problem ensues, where the various actors until hedge they see others make the commitment.
* This pattern can be broken when a major industry player commits, and reaps early-adopter benefits accordingly. Others soon follow, and soon a participation & investment become normal.
* A succession of small, limited scope projects can continue to make progress when there is no longer momentum for large, open-ended commitments.
* Face-to-face trust-building is an effective tool for competitors to find, and come together to collaborate in, a pre-competitive space.
Opportunities are numerous, and include:
* It becomes easier for software companies to provide farmers with friction-less tools that can support principled agronomic and farm management decisions (e.g., by leveraging soil test and crop protection label data, calculating nutrient and active ingredient loads, restricted-entry and pre-harvest interval notifications, and so forth).
* It becomes easier for farmers to share data with partners in valuable ways (e.g., custom application, accurate seed, crop nutrition and crop protection purchase orders, cost and revenue-sharing with landlords, information exchange with insurers and financiers, etc.).
* Many of these applications can be implemented using mobile technology, and are applicable both a) by small companies and b) in a smallholder context, leveraging interoperability investments made by major industry players. " (agenda for April 1 Interest Group on Agriculture (IGAD) sessions)

April 3-4

MobileTECH - Rotorua, New Zealand

Jim Wilson attending and presenting, kicking off AgGateway Austrailia-New Zealand, possibly Joe Tevis also
April 23-25

IoT Fuse - Minneapolis, MN

May 6-10

Plugfest (Spring) - Lincoln, NE

May 7-9

Sustainability Consortium Summit - Chicago, IL

June 10-13AgGateway MYM - Altoona, IA
July 7 - 10

ASABE Annual International Meeting - Boston, MA

R. Andres Ferreyra (Unlicensed) submitted PAIL Parts 1 and 3 for ASABE standards development award
July 8-11

12th European Conference on Precision Agriculture - Montpellier, France

July 23-25

InfoAg 2019 - St. Louis, MO

Jessica Trites Rolle attending
August 27-29

Farm Progress Show - Decatur, IL


ISO TC23/SC18 (Technical Committee 23 / Sub-Committee 18) Plenary

Irrigation and drainage equipment and systems

October 23-25

Research Data Alliance (RDA) plenary - Helsinki, Finland

November 13-14

Growing Innovations - Las Vegas, NV

November 4-6

AgGateway Annual Conference - New Orleans, LA

November 10-16

Agritechnica 2019 - Hanover, Germany

Jim Wilson attending, presenting
December 3-5

Ag Retailers Association Conference & Expo - New Orleans, LA


Irrigation Association's Irrigation Show 2019