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2020-04-30 Crop Protection Meet-Up

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Mark MohrKahler Automation
xRob BullockAgVance/SSI
xDavid Tapp (Deactivated)TKXS

Joe GiffordSygenta

Jacob CrowGrowmark

Fritz Schuster (Unlicensed)LexAgri SAS

Stephen BerryCultura Tech

Greg FishGrowmark

Jeremy CowanProagrica

Randy FryCeres Solutions
xBelinda HaigwoodRiver Valley Coop

Sidney Siefken (Unlicensed)BlockApps

Greg Baldwin (Unlicensed)EFC Systems

cuiming zhengBASF
xMatt GarciaSyngenta
xChuck Bohanon (Unlicensed)AgVantage Software

Ryan BrinSmartwyre

Julie BenickLand O'Lakes
xCrisoph HoffmannJC Information Management

Stephen Barkley (Unlicensed)SePRO
xPatricia PerezLexAgri SAS

Karen OerterLand O'Lakes

Kyle YontzGrowmark

Liz Magill (Unlicensed)CDMS

Jeff GriffethCo-Alliance

Kelly KellGS1

Elizabeth SertlGS1
xAbhishek KumarSyngenta

Amy KinslerCo-Alliance

Julie Malson (Deactivated)Co-Alliance

David Surber (Unlicensed)Corteva

Robin BarthelmeProagrica

Julie BaumanBayer

Heather Byrne Moumdjian (Unlicensed)Corteva

Gaëlle Cheruy PottiauAgro EDI Europe

Stephanie Frazier (Unlicensed)Corteva

Doug ApplegatePraxidyn

Katie Brown Corteva

Cheryl McWhorterThe Equity
xScott NiemanLand O'Lakes
xKay CampeRosens
xChris CrutchfieldAgGateway
xJosh Wall (Unlicensed)AgGateway


MSA = Moved, Seconded & Approved

 Meeting Information


9:00 AM Chicago


 +1 (571) 317-3116 - United States

 Access Code

Purpose of meeting: AgGateway Members with interest in the Crop Protection Supply Chain are invited to attend a web meeting to discuss ideas to improve business process efficiency and streamline the supply chain. There will also be an opportunity for participants to introduce digital pain points and anticipated challenges their organizations are facing. The goal of the Meet-Up is to generate ideas for working groups and share information among AgGateway members



Topic (Leader)

Desired Outcome

Sub-topics, supporting documentation, additional resources

Meeting Minutes


Welcome, Antitrust and Introduction 

Welcome the group - Matt GarciaAll agreed to the Anti-Trust Guidelines
2Minutes Taker Member ServicesJosh Wall recorded minutes
3Mid-Year Meeting Format and ContentInform audience about the format of the MYMUpdated the group on the Mid-Year Virtual Meeting

AgGateway Features

  • Wiki Home Page
  • Calendar
  • Request a Meeting
  • Portfolio Management Overview - Upcoming Webinars
  • Idea Submission Feature
Member Services will provide an update regarding new AgGateway features.Chris provided an overview of the new AgGateway features.

Previous Topics from former Council:

  • GLN Use and Implementation, incl. membership discussion on single identifier for entities across messages
  • Message Versioning for implemented MFR to DST supply chain messages
  • AGIIS Product Directory Content and Data Load Rule Review
  • AGIIS Connectivity, Use - best practices, synchronization, alignment with other segments
  • GTIN Task Force/Product Identification next steps, inc. Formulation and Brand ID
Discuss topics to see if there are any updates and interest moving forward.

Explore any new topics members would like to discuss

Capture ideas for new working groups

Topics from other Meet-Ups:

  • Developing a process map for the industry that includes references to AgGateway tools, standards and identifier 
  • Future Meet-up to discuss cross standard mapping  
Share other ideas and activities from other Meet-Ups.
8Adjournment Adjourn
Tasks/Action Items
WhoWhen AssignedWhatDeadline Status

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