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Brent KempAgGateway

Andrew BoveAgData

Mitch RezansoffCAAR

Josh WallDXC

Liz MagillCDMS

Jeff GriffethCo-Alliance

Lynda PembertonSSI

Cecilia Garcia SheppardNutrien


Jeff BeldingCorteva

Raphael RadollAdama

Mike BallSimplot

Bill VarySyngenta

Julie BenickWinfield United

Don GreenNutrien

Darlene GibsonBASF

Julie MalsonCo-Alliance

Mary EnriquezNutrien

Tracy AlphsWinfield

Uriah PaddockCeres Solutions

Randy FryCeres Solutions


MSA = Moved, Seconded & Approved

 Meeting Information


1:30 pm Chicago


+1 (646) 749-3129

 Access Code

Purpose of meeting: The Ag Retail Meet Up will inform members on the state of current work; identify industry pinch points that can benefit from process improvement, standards implementation, or both; and offer an opportunity for idea generation and collaboration.

Participants will benefit through increased understanding of industry capability and readiness to act; opportunity to offer input and provide direction on active and anticipated collaborative efforts.



Topic (Leader)

Desired Outcome

Sub-topics, supporting documentation, additional resources

Meeting Minutes


Welcome, Antitrust and Introduction () 5 min.

Welcome the group -All were welcomed. All agreed to abide by antitrust guidelines
2Minutes Taker () 1 min.A meeting taker has been selected.Brent Kemp will capture notes
3Covid Lessons Learned - pinch points, needs and solutions - ~10 minutesGroup has opportunity to share issues that have been identified during the past four months; content is captured and prioritized as applicable.

Introduced Mural to participants. Captured observations for future consideration and potential action as applicable.

Any new items to add? Share with Brent, Member Services please.

4Unique identification in Crop Protection Messaging () - 30 minutesGroup receives feedback on discussions with AGIIS team, develops request for consideration by the DOC.

15 SEP 2020 Activities:

  • Action Update. 
  • Will review PCR process with the retail group on this call
  • Will solicit specifics for the enhancement request and document for the DOC

ACTION - Brent Kemp to follow up with DOC leadership to find out if they are planning any follow up from Virtual MYM discussion; will report back and develop next steps.

  • DOC is willing to consider enhancement possibility but needs details in the form of a PCR
  • Josh Wall reviewed the PCR process with call participants.
    • Basic form available on the AgGateway website - AGIIS Enhancement form - under the AGIIS section of the AgGateway website
    • Noted that this particular topic may be a little more detailed or require some additional discussion, but in line with what the enhancement process is intended to address: benefit to subscribers, benefit to the industry
    • Once the request is submitted it goes to Member Services and may result in some clarifying questions before forwarding to the Directory Oversight Committee (DOC).
    • Reviewed the DOC prioritization and evaluation process at a high level. Reviewed communication back to submitter. Noted that the DOC has 500 hours of development time per year available to them. 
    • Observed that the DOC reviews the enhancement holistically - development, QA and UAT are all included as part of the PCR development. Documentation updates are considered. File formats and impact to the existing directory structure for new integrations are also considered. 
    • Release schedule, communications and user release notes reviewed at a high level. Notices posted to the AGIIS site, eBlasts, newsletters, and other communications released to advise subscribers and users of the new functionality.
  • Josh noted that there were a series of enhancements over the past year or so that were developed using a specific set of pre-planning calls and meetings. Use cases, needs and requirements assessments and documentation, and stakeholder alignment took place. Model is being used again for a data privacy enhancement investigation request. 
  • Questions for Josh?

Starting the Process

  • Use Case - already defined in previous notes (Brent to go back and grab that)
  • Considers posting a cross reference table
    • Visibility
    • Edit permissions
    • Access - system-to-system, UI, file integrations/formats, upload and download 
    • Legality - who can post information, who is responsible for maintaining information, is there a limit to what can be posted
    • What information is needed and desired
    • Does a particular identifier's owner have to be an AGIIS subscriber in order for the identifier to "reside" in the cross reference?

Next Steps

  • Brent, Josh, Randy, Julie to catch up and set agenda for a call for discussion
  • Anyone interested in participating in the discussion is welcome


Planning for a 2020 Partner Implementation Meeting () - 20 minutes

Attendees updated on current industry activities that might support this initiative

Document next steps

ACTION - Schedule quick call to dive into this a little deeper; reach out to ARA and ASTA to see about setting up a joint call for proposing the presentations and to assist with marketing and communication.

  • Discuss Energy meet up plans for back half of 2020
  • Randy Fry and Jeff Griffeth want to catch up and talk about some options
  • Can we do something to set a stage for a face to face in early 2021?
    • Still want to try a local meeting
    • Restriction status may impact a face to face
    • Can we do a virtual education of the available resources - 
      • Invite potential participants as invited trading partners at no cost
      • Schedule session(s) on AGIIS 101, connectivity working group process overview as a session
      • Set it up as a success story - how we did it - and open to new members as well
  • If we can, set the face to face for March/April
6 Updates on New Messages uptake () - 20 minutes

Document next steps

Will address uptake of new seed messages on a subsequent call.

Brent provided a brief overview of current and upcoming activities:

  • Meet ups: CPCC, Seed
  • Working groups: Europe-led field operations and data; North America led laboratory standards
  • Webinars for 5-year strategic plan, annual plan and budget coming up 

Other items () 

Discuss any additional items that came up during meeting that need to be addressed in another meet-up

No additional items for discussion today - all are invited to submit ideas, pain points, topics for additional discussion or review, or presentation ideas to

8Next Meeting ()Is there a need for another Meet-Up

Next meeting would be 17 November keeping with bi-monthly, third Tuesday

9Adjournment ()AdjournMeeting adjourned at 

Tasks/Action Items

WhoWhen AssignedWhatDeadline Status