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titlePage Name

Give the page a name according to the following format: YYYY-MM-DD WG## Meeting.

Example: 2019-07-14 WG04 Meeting

Members InvitedMembers PresentMember 1 (Chair)Staff Present

  • Member 2 (Vice Chair)
  • Member 3
  • ...
  • Member n

  • Info
    titleTimes and Phone Numbers
    • Use 24-hour times.
    • Specify time zones by major city to avoid time-zone abbreviation issues.
    • Ensure all phone number have country codes
    • Do not prioritize any one region's phone number above another

    Members InvitedMembers Present
    1. Member 1 (Chair)
    2. Member 2 (Vice Chair)
    3. Member 3
    4. ...
    5. Member n

    Staff Present

    This working group has 8 members. 5 members must be present to achieve quorum. (See Quorum Requirements Table.)


    10:00 New York
    15:00 UTC
    16:00 Paris

    Duration1.5 hours


    titleMeeting Logistics

    Face-to-Face meeting address, GoToMeeting details, conference call details, etc. Notice that this content is inside an "expand" macro to hid long lists of meeting details.

    Agenda and Minutes

    1. Topic: AgGateway Antitrust Guidelines and Patent Policy
      1. Leader: Chair
      2. The desired outcome is that each meeting participant understands and agrees to abide by the AgGateway Antitrust Guidelines and Patent Policy.
      3. Pre-meeting notes / references: 
        1. Antitrust Guidelines
        2. Patent Policy
      4. Minutes: Usually "All agreed"
    2. Topic: Minutes taker
      1. Leader: Chair
      2. The desired outcome is that a minutes taker is selected.
      3. Pre-meeting notes / references: None
      4. Minutes: So-and-so selected
    3. Topic: Quorum
      1. Leader: Chair
      2. The desired outcome is that the chair has reminded the meeting participants what the quorum requirements are and has determined whether a quorum has been achieved.
      3. Pre-meeting notes / references: None
      4. Minutes: A quorum was/was not achieved.
    4. Topic: Agenda
      1. Leader: Chair
      2. The desired outcome is that the meeting participants agree to the agenda, adjusting first it as required.
      3. Pre-meeting notes / references: None
      4. Minutes: Usually "All agreed"
    5. Topic: Prior unapproved meeting minutes
      1. Leader: Chair
      2. The desired outcome is that the working group has approved all unapproved meeting minutes.
      3. Pre-meeting notes / references
        1. Link to oldest unapproved meeting minutes page
        2. ...
        3. Link to newest unapproved minutes minutes page
      4. Minutes:
        1. NAME moved
        2. NAME seconded
        3. Discussion: Note discussion here or indicate "None"
        4. Outcome: "Unanimous approval" or whatever the outcome was
    6. Topic: Outstanding Tasks
      1. Leader: Chair
      2. The desired outcome is that the meeting participants understand the status of all tasks outstanding as of the end of the previous meeting.
      3. Pre-meeting notes / references: List to task list
      4. Minutes: ...
    7. Topic: First main topic
      1. Leader: Somebody
      2. The desired outcome is...
      3. Pre-meeting notes / references: ...
      4. Minutes: ...
    8. Topic: Second main topic
      1. Leader: Somebody
      2. The desired outcome is...
      3. Pre-meeting notes / references: ...
      4. Minutes: ...
    9. Topic: ... main topic
      1. Leader: Somebody
      2. The desired outcome is...
      3. Pre-meeting notes / references: ...
      4. Minutes: ...
    10. Topic: Last main topic
      1. Leader: Somebody
      2. The desired outcome is...
      3. Pre-meeting notes / references: ...
      4. Minutes: ...
    11. Topic: Matters arising
      1. Leader: Chair
      2. The desired outcome is that the meeting participants have an opportunity to raise new business.
      3. Pre-meeting notes / references: None
      4. Minutes: ...
    12. Topic: Task List
      1. Leader: Minutes Taker
      2. The desired outcome is that the meeting participants are reminded of tasks assigned during the meeting and alert the minutes taker to any missing tasks.
      3. Pre-meeting notes / references: None
      4. Minutes: ...
    13. Topic: Meeting Schedule
      1. Leader: Chair
      2. The desired outcome is that each meeting participant understands the meeting schedule.
      3. Pre-meeting notes / references: List of upcoming meetings or details of recurring meeting schedule pattern
      4. Minutes: ...
    14. Topic: Adjourn
      1. Leader: Chair
      2. The desired outcome is that the meeting is adjourned
      3. Pre-meeting notes / references: N/A
      4. Minutes: Meeting adjourned at HH:MM UTC