Talking Point | Proponent / source | Comments |
User stories were an effective way of gathering requirements from domain experts | R. Andres Ferreyra (Unlicensed) | 1st chevron of ICPA paper figure 3 |
BPMN diagrams represent the growers' business processes | R. Andres Ferreyra (Unlicensed) | 2nd chevron of ICPA paper figure 3 |
The Core Documents represent data requirements of the processes we're supporting | R. Andres Ferreyra (Unlicensed) | (3rd chevron of ICPA figure 3) |
Spray Technology
1:00 Variable Rate Chemical Application - Joe Tevis
1:40 OK 2 Spray - R. Andres Ferreyra (Unlicensed)
2:20 Adaptive Sprayer Technology - Todd Howatt
Data Sharing and Standards (ICPA)
8:20 Toward geopolitical-context-enabled interoperability in precision agriculture: AgGateway's SPADE, PAIL, WAVE, CART and ADAPT - R. Andres Ferreyra (Unlicensed)
Data Standards
1:20 ADAPT - Mark Stelford (Unlicensed)
2:00 AgGateway Core Documents - Jeremy W Wilson
3:00 Refernce Data - R. Andres Ferreyra (Unlicensed)
*** Spray Technology Session ***
Variable Rate Chemical Application
Affecting droplet size
Control methods
DI of drift mitigation adjuvants -
Data Standards Supporting Drift Mitigation - Status & Opportunities.pptx
TPSA Drift Mitigating Adjuvants How They Work Pigati.pdf
Adaptive Sprayer Technology
An Adaptive Sprayer will continually monitor all information that is known about a prescribed application task including target, product to be applied, environmental conditions and sensitive adjacent areas. The sprayer will anticipate needs and will actively adjust functional parameters such as boom height, spray pressure, droplet size, machine travel speed and path to ensure optimum spray characteristic at the time of spray release. To fully realize benefits of an Adaptive Sprayer, industry and agencies must agree on risk mitigation, the capabilities of the controlled parameters, and the integrity of verification protocols. Consensus standards and organizational alignment will be central to accomplishing this work.
EPA DRT Initiative
- Basis in LERAP
- Status in US
- Machine
- Information
- Placement vs Drift
- Decision
- Adapt the application parameters
Risk Assessment paradigm
- Static
- Dynamic
- Transition from OK-to-Spray (one time) to Adaptive (continual)
Adaptive Sprayer
- Capability
- Verification
- Curves, Protocols
- Spectrum / Drift-able fines
- DDI: System Drift Reduction
Internationalization is an important aspect of this work; several conflicting requirements ... were reconciled creating a ContextItem class and drawing from AEF’s experience managing controlled vocabularies separately from the ISO 11783-10 data model.
Standards work
- ISO – WG 13 Spectrum / WG 21 - Classifications
- Drift-able fines
AEM/ASABE - outreach to ISO
- Plenary 2015, Poland
AEM – outreach to EPA
- Farm Progress
- Demo Day
*** Data Standards Session ***
AgGateway Core Documents
Reference Data