Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.
A list of Document references indicating which documents resulted in the creation of this work item
IdCompoundIdentifier1Unique identifier (reference integer & associated other unique IDs)PlanIds
ParentIdInteger0..*A list of Document references indicating which documents resulted in the creation of this work item
RecommendationIdsInteger0..*A list of Document references indicating which documents resulted in the creation of this work item
NoteIdsInteger0..*Unbounded note field objects

Note how this will include:

  • CropSeason
  • WorkDates
  • CreationDates
  • ModifiedDates
  1. Immediately
  2. SoonAsPossible (no due date)
  3. High
  4. Medium
  5. Low
PeopleRoleIdsInteger0..*A list of IDs of PeopleRole objects that describe "who" is involved and what their role is in the collection of data.
GrowerIdInteger0..1A reference to the Client/Grower to use for the work (This is meant to reflect the "business entity")
FarmIdInteger0..1A reference to the Farm to use for the work
FieldIdInteger0..1A reference to the Field to use for the work

A list of CropZone references.

20150205: The multiplicity of 0..n is counter-intuitive. This was probably derived from the user story about multi-variety planting operations. In this case, the link between the multiple cropzones and the corresponding operations does not happen directly through this list, but through the presciption object.

20151020: Changing 0..n to 0..1 to avoid cans of worms like having to change the relationship between Prescriptions and Cropzones. This also maximizes compatibility with ISOXML, where tasks have a scope of 1 part field.

MachineIdInteger0..1A reference to the Machine to use for the work
ReferencelLayerIdsInteger0..*A list of spatial layers needed to do the work (e.g. VarietyLocator layer)
FieldBoundaryIdInteger0..1A reference to the field boundary to use for the work
WorkItemOperationIdsInteger0..*A list of WorkItemOperation references that define various objects to use with a given operation
GuidanceIdsInteger0..*A list of guidance objects to be used for the work
StatusUpdatesStatusUpdate0..*Defines the current status of the work item via StatusUpdate objects
