(SPADE3: Reference Data API) A Message to Input & Equipment Manufacturers:
"There is a gap in where precision ag is today versus where it can
and can and should be, due to lack of standardization. Your company can
help can help by hosting an API or by sourcing data through a partner. A
few of the benefits of an API are enabling better data continuity
through continuity through the supply chain, an increased chance that your
products your products are used according to their label, and controlling the documentation of your products."
(SPADE3: Reference Data API) A Message to Data Consumers:
"As a consumer of reference data to enable your customer solutions,you may be interested in the efficiencies made available by the AgGateway SPADE project to more easily obtain this data from manufacturers. Immediate access to centralized reference data is made available through APIs, allowing you to spend less time tracking it down. By creating an API and encouraging your reference data sources to do the same, these efficiencies can be realized throughout the
documentation of your productsindustry."
(SPADE3: Reference Data API) A Message to Data Providers:
"As a provider of reference data to the agricultural industry, you may be interested in the solution made available by the AgGateway SPADE project to more easily facilitate transmission of the data. Immediate access is made available through APIs, making it easier for your customers to consume your data, thus increasing its marketability. The solution is flexible, and your input/involvement will improve the anticipated value to the industry."
PAIL Elevator Speech
"The PAIL data standards enable the flow of data necessary to
plan to plan and execute precision irrigation. Companies using the PAIL
standards PAIL standards provide added value to growers, decrease their own
operational costs, and help grow the market with new,
integrated integrated irrigation solutions."