The ValueType property describes the expected data type for the "value" expressed in of a ContextItem. It is expressed as an enumeration with the values of Bool, String, Double, Integer, Enum, and Nested. The first four data types (Bool, String, Double, Integer) can be easily represented as a string and then parsed back to their original form. This is the reason that the Value property of ContextItem is a string. The "Enum" data type indicates that this ContextItemDefinition is an encoded enumerated list. The items in the list are ContextItemEnumItem objects and are included by value in the EnumItems collection property. When creating a ContextItem using an "Enum" type ContextItemDefinition, the ContextItem Value property corresponds to the Value property of the selected ContextItemEnumItem. The "Nested" data type indicates that this ContextItemDefinition is a container that encapsulates a group of other ContextItemDefinitions. When creating a ContextItem using a "Nested" type ContextItemDefinition, the ContextItem Value property is left empty but its NestedItems property contains a collection of ContextItems.
Description: Friendly name for use in a pick listThe Description property is nothing more than a "friendly" name that makes it easier to correctly choose the ContextItemDefinition of interest from a pick list. It is not meant to be a lengthy explaination.
Keywords: Aid for querying