Use case review
Part of documenting the use cases should include all relevant paths: successful, failure, deviations
Use Case 1: Document what crop is being grown for reporting purposes
Need to be sure to capture intended vs actual use
Need to clarify general theory of crop, includes refinements etc.
Example of one crop on the top and a different (root stock) on the bottom/below the soil
May be other variances like this to consider for permanent crops vs. annuals
Also need to include different details, e.g. organic, non-GMO, plumb-tomato
Several parallel vocabularies will be tied to crop
Phenological growth stage, season, pests, …
Some of these are very vague season for example could be the next six weeks or the next 6 months
Crop zone concept very helpful to time box things, e.g. the "first wave" of radishes harvest from a field
Concept can also apply to indoor-agriculture but likely not the best terminology
Is livestock a crop?
Similar/equal fundamental concepts but likely makes more sense handle in a separate effort
A construct so general to support both plants and animals may not be worthwhile
Livestock is out of scope for this ad hoc group as well
Plan to review with new AHG focused on livestock to see what makes sense and what can be shared between efforts
perhaps we need a classical workshop 'parking lot' for other categories that are adjacent but outside AHG2 scope; such as livestock; and maybe non-crop uses of inputs (weed control of roads, tracks; or fumigation of empty glasshouses; …)
Andes working up setting up a Miro board other AHG's can see for this putpose
Use Case 2: selection of hybrid/variety seeds/seedling products
Same topics discussed in use case 1 are relevant regarding details about sub-species, growth habits, physical characteristics of desired harvested material
Use Case 3: scouting & Crop health monitoring
Crop seems loosely tied to the scouting operation
Knowing the crop is generally very important in the decision making process for taking any actions based on scouting information e.g. saw this beetle, need to know crop and its growth stage to recommend a course of action
Need to capture other aspects of scouting like water stress, plant (tree/vine) growing beyond intended area it is meant to occupy
Other observations beyond the presence/absence of a pest
Purpose of this group is to think about what data is needed "behind the scenes" to know what is used to determine crop
Likely need a use case that describes some different aspects/considerations for example a crop grown to leave more root mass behind for GHG sequestration
Use Case 4: selection of crop care products
The proverbial product label and its restrictions based on the crop
Can be very specific, down to the intended use for the harvested product determining the maximum rate for a product
The plan for use is a different concept than a crop
A good test might be if the farmer is going to make different management decisions based on the "crop", or if they would insure differently based on the "crop"
Additionally if there would be a difference in how the harvested product is marketed could be a distinguishing factor for "crop"
Use Case 5: Harvest material identification
Note, not using the word commodity since this is equally applicable to hand harvested
Do need to consider different products coming from the same plant e.g. mace and nutmeg come from the same thing
Two different paths:
Produce multiple different products from the same crop
e.g. grain and straw from the wheat plant
Growing the crop and managing differently to harvest a specific part for a specific purpose
e.g. growing something specifically for the leaves
Enter more use cases, prefix with AHG2
Stuart needs to make a slide to discuss the crop concept
Stuart also to add a slide with the initial data model
Collect existing vocabularies
Regulator agency lists, don’t need all but get enough to identify any patterns that needs to be considered
Next AHG2 Meeting Nov 5 same times
Other matters
Need to find a way to communicate the scope of what is being done
Needs to have a way to ensure when people come in after a few meetings they know why the scope is what it is, what decisions have been made
Possibly have a set of basic slides that contextualize what the group is doing
Would be a good recruitment tool, an easy way to show what the group is working on so people are comfortable joining and contributing
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