

A geo-referenced record of where and when the task defined in the work record was executed. It would include a record of all controllable variables such as application rate with product identifiers, depth etc. and complete history of how these variables changed during the task. It would also include all sensor readings required to meet all stakeholder objectives. It is spatially defined "data samples" recorded during a task. The samples may be collected at a specified frequency of either space or time or recorded on a value change. General samples to include: date/time stamp, WGS84 latitude, WGS84 longitude, WGS84 altitude (meters above sea-level). To be included, product samples, weather samples, changes recoded during the task, refill examples, tank mix, carrier id .... etc. The capture of the real rate of fertilizer, chemical, or seed; and as applicable, water in an irrigation practice, being used during a variable rate (VRA) application; using a variable rate control system.

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