PAIL References - 2016 ASABE AIM

PAIL References - 2016 ASABE AIM


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Hillyer, C., and Robinson, P. (2010). “Envisioning The Next Generation Of Irrigation Schedulers.” 5th National Decennial Irrigation Conference Proceedings, ASABE, St. Joseph, Michigan, Phoenix, Arizona.

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Raymond, E. S. (2001). The cathedral and the bazaar: musings on Linux and Open Source by an accidental revolutionary. O’Reilly, Beijing ; Cambridge, Mass.

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Smith, R., Baillie, J., McCarthy, A., Raine, S., and Baillie, C. (2010). Review of precision irrigation technologies and their application. A Report for National Program for Sustainable Irrigation, University of Southern Queensland, National Centre for Engineering in Agriculture.

Taylor, K. (2009). “Final Report of the ‘Scheduling irrigation for commercial agricultural growers within the El Dorado Irrigation District using permanently placed soil moisture sensors’ Project.”

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USDA. (2012). Farm And Ranch Irrigation Survey (2013). National Agricultural Statistics Service, Washington, D.C.

Wang, D., and Cai, X. (2009). “Irrigation Scheduling---Role of Weather Forecasting and Farmers’ Behavior.” Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 135(5), 364–372.

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