eConnectivity Home Page
This page will help the members as well as non-members to see what type of eConnectivity our members have implemented. The section of "Connections Reported to AgGateway" are documented connections.
Connections - What is a connection? This is a transmission or transaction of business information electronically transmitted from one computer to another computer (typically between trading partners or between field equipment and the Farm Management Information Systems (FMIS)). The transmissions or transactions recorded are in standardized formats as AgGateway's Open Standards (XML/EDI/Flat File, API, etc.), other standards (such as OAGI, ISO, UNCEFACT, etc.) or proprietary formats.
AgGateway Connectivity Matrix:
AgGateway Member Connectivity Matrix - The matrix is a basic searchable tool that provides the capabilities of our AgGateway members eConnectivity capabilities. These member pages are maintained by the member companies, so AgGateway does not validate or determine whether they are accurate (other than the section "Connections Reported to AgGateway", which is also provided by the member company to AgGateway).
You can either click on the member company to view their page, or you can use the search window to find all companies that have any word or phase on their page (such as Order, Invoice, etc.).
Connectivity Template
(Company Name) Connectivity Template - This is a template that members can use to include their connectivity information in the AgGateway Member Connectivity Matrix.
Directions to create your company eConnectivity page are:
First click on the link Connectivity Template.
Once you’ve pulled up the template, COPY the template by clicking on the ... located in the upper right corner of the page.
At the bottom of the drop down menu click on "Copy" and a copy of this template will be on your screen.
Look for the title at the top of the page and change "Copy of" to your company name, and remove the word "Template".
Complete the template and save the document. By clicking on the "Save" button in the lower right of your screen.
Once you’re finished, go to the AgGateway Member Connectivity Matrix to make sure your company name shows up on the list of the member companies.
Once you’ve verified that your company name is included in the list of member companies, notify Member Services so that restrictions can be added to your page preventing any unauthorized changes. Let us know who from your organization should have Edit capabilities. All AgGateway member volunteers will have View Only privileges.
Contact Sheila O'Dea ( or 704-756-3282 ), to obtain the information for the "Connections Reported to AgGateway", so that we stay in-sync.
Any questions in this space, please contact Member Services ( or 866.251.8618).