ADAPT - Person / PersonRole / Company Discussion
The Person object contains information about a single individual who may fill a number of roles. Use Company if you want to describe a business entity that the person is associated with.
Included in:
- Catalog
Referenced by:
- PersonRole
Attribute | Type | Multiplicity | Description |
Id | CompoundIdentifier | 1 | Construct that allows for the locally scoped integer to be associated with one or more unique identifier and source pairs. |
FirstName | String | 0..1 | Individuals first name or initial |
MiddleName | String | 0..1 | Individuals middle name or initial |
LastName | String | 0..1 | Individuals last name |
CombinedName | String | 0..1 | Some systems are only capable of displaying a single name field. |
ContactInfoId | Integer | 0..1 | Locally-scoped, integer reference to a ContactInfo object that contains the physical address and contact information for the person. |
ContextItems | ContextItem | 0..* | A list of ContextItems. For example, license numbers. |
The PersonRole object ties a Person to the Role they are filling for a Grower during one or more specific time periods. There seem to be two distinct uses for this object:
- To capture who did what in the context of a single document.
- To provide a list of available people that can fill a certain role. An example is the list of available licensed operators in a GIS or mobile solution drop-down that is capturing a field operation.
Included in:
- Catalog
Referenced by:
- LoggedData
- Document
- Summary
- DocumentCorrelation
Attribute | Type | Multiplicity | Description |
Id | CompoundIdentifier | 1 | Construct that allows for the locally scoped integer to be associated with one or more unique identifier and source pairs. |
PersonId | Integer | 1 | Locally-scoped, integer reference to a Person object that contains the physical address and contact information for the person. |
GrowerId | Integer | 0..1 | Locally-scoped, integer reference to a Grower object on whose behalf the Person is filling the indicated Role. |
TimeScopes | TimeScope | 0..* | |
| ||
Role | EnumeratedValue | 1 | |
CompanyId | Integer | 0..1 | Locally-scoped, integer reference to a Company object that is intended to be the employer for the Person. |
The Company object contains information about a business entity that is referenced in describing:
- a person's employer
- a facility where products are picked up from or delivered to
- manufactures equipment or products
Included in:
- Catalog
Referenced by:
- PersonRole
- Facility
- Manufacturer
Attribute | Type | Multiplicity | Description |
Id | CompoundIdentifier | 1 | Construct that allows for the locally scoped integer to be associated with one or more unique identifier and source pairs. |
Name | String | 1 | Company name intended for display. |
ContactInfoId | Integer | 0..1 | Locally-scoped, integer reference to a ContactInfo object that contains the physical address and contact information for the company. |
ContextItems | ContextItem | 0..* | List of context items. For example: global location number (GLN), company tax id, etc. |