Context of Use

a longer statement of the goal, if needed


Inventory Control System (ICS)



Primary Actor

No one specifically.

Stakeholders and Interests


  1. Product must have been ordered.
  2. Product is defined in the master inventory list.
  3. Advance Shipping Notice (ASN) has been received prior to the delivery if applicable
  4. Product is onsite at the receiver warehouse
  5. Bill of Lading (BOL) is present with required identifiers (Example is a Purchase Order #).

Minimal Guarantees

the interests as protected on any exit

Success Guarantees

  1. Only products in acceptable condition have been received.
  2. ASN information matches the actual delivery (if applicable)
  3. Correct product, quantity, and lot number (where applicable) has been accurately recorded in the ICS.
  4. The product was delivered (received by) the correct location.
  5. All applicable stakeholders have been notified of receipt.


ASN is received into system (if applicable).  Otherwise carrier arrives at the site

Main Success Scenario

  1. ASN is received (if applicable)
  2. The carrier makes an unload request and presents BOL to warehouse staff.
  3. Warehouse staff reviews BOL.
  4. Matching order information is available
  5. Warehouse staff informs carrier of unload location.
  6. Warehouse staff weighs bulk product (if applicable).
  7. Carrier moves vehicle to unload location.
  8. The warehouse staff and carrier work together to move the product from the truck to the inspection/staging area.
  9. Warehouse staff Inspect product units. Possible Outcomes
  10. Warehouse staff notes lot numbers or serial numbers (if applicable).
  11. Warehouse staff signs off on bill of lading.
  12. Warehouse staff stores product in specific location, noting the location on the paperwork (if applicable).


Main Success Scenario StepConditionBranching Action


Not all product is accepted by warehouse.

The vehicle operator may need to sign off on some paperwork.


Sometimes each product is inspected as it is unloaded.  Sometimes

products are not inspected until all products have been unloaded 



  is not necessary to not location Store the product without noting location

Technology and Data Variations

the variation that will cause eventual bifurcation in the scenario

Main Success Scenario StepBranching Action
reference to the main success scenario # where the variation occurs

numbered list of variations


  • whatever the project wants to note
  • ideally such content would be recorded elsewhere (e.g., business rule table)

Related Resources

links to related resources


list of contributors, using the wiki's "@First Last" feature, if possible