Use Case review
Not taker was slacking
Use Case 2: Hybrid/variety selection
Intended use is part of crop, e.g. corn for silage can drive variety selection
Use Case 3: Scouting and health monitoring
No comments/questions
Use Case 4: Selection of crop care products
Clarification of crop care terminology, does include things like fertilizer, or water, not just pesticides
Meant to cover application of crop inputs in general and not artificially break things up
Need to add a better definition of crop care in the use case
Use case is very broad, but intentionally so due to the wide variety of requirements and contexts for the concept of crop
Need to support identifying crop for specific contexts which are quite narrowly scoped
Combine has "Corn", a very general concept
Risk manager, need to know round tomatoes which is a much more specific crop
Added a new slide to work on documenting the concepts for additional clarity
Goal is to be very flexible to support the level of detail necessary for a specific user in a specific circumstance
Crop definition needs to be as specific OR as general as the situation demands
This will require a syntax/structure that can be used at all levels of granularity
Use Case 5: Harvested material identification
Noted this use case specifically does not use the word commodity since that can exclude crops that are in scope that are harvested manually or marketed with identity preserved
Transportation one area that does not currently have a use case and is not covered in this one but something that needs to be documented as part of the project
Use case does cover the scenario where for example, due to a lack of rainfall a crop changes from being intended to be harvested for grain to be harvested for silage
Share/contribute any vocabularies that exist and are used in the market
Send links to Stuart so he can add to the list
Keep adding use cases
Identify additional refinements and controlled vocabularies of intended use, sub species, etc.
Look at the draft data model to see if there is anything that doesn’t make sense or breaks
If there are any regional or regulatory code lists for crop, share them as well, not to try to find all of them but to eventually do mappings from the output of this work to vocabularies already in use
Next meeting Nov 5
Same times 8:00 and 19:00 US Central