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XJessica Trites RolleNational Crop Insurance Services
XBrent KempAgGateway
XRick BehrensWinfield United / Land O'Lakes

Ben SloanEFC Systems Inc.

Kay CampeRosen's, Inc.

Jane Aderhold (Deactivated)AGDATA LP

Darlene Gibson (Unlicensed)BASF
Simone van der BurgWageningen University & Research
XAndres FerreyraSyngenta
XDavid Surber (Unlicensed)Corteva Agriscience
XJeff GriffethCo-Alliance, LLP
XPhilip Loduha (Unlicensed)Kuhn North America
XBen Craker (Unlicensed)Kuhn North America


MSA = Moved, Seconded & Approved

Image Modified Meeting Information

July 23, 2020

2:00 pm Chicago

  • United States: +1 (571) 317-3129
  • Access Code: 692-023-525
    Other telephone numbers were provided in the Meet-Up announcement email

Meeting Purpose

Discuss data privacy, data use, and data security to identify necessary corrections or changes to AgGateway’s Data Privacy and Use White Paper.

Identify larger-scope additions to the White Paper to complete either with the updates or as a second project.

Data Privacy and Use White Paper Documents/Resources


Brent Kemp, AgGateway (

Meeting leader Jessica Trites Rolle, National Crop Insurance Services ( staff Brent Kemp (


Topic (Leader)

Desired Outcome

Sub-topics, supporting documentation, additional resources

Meeting Minutes


Welcome, Antitrust, and Introduction

Welcome the group and introductions

AgGateway Antitrust Guidelines

All were welcomed and agree to abide by the AgGateway Antitrust Guidelines
2Minutes TakerA meeting taker has been selected.Jessica Trites Rolle will take minutes.


Current Data Privacy and Use White Paper

Group briefly revisits background on former Data Privacy & Security Committee

Group briefly "tours" current white paper (depends on attendees - if same attendees as MYM, can skip)

The group quickly skimmed the existing white paper content.


Discussion & Brainstorming


  • Noted terms, data elements, questions, sections, or references that are outdated
  • Necessary additions
  • Skipped items to reconsider

From 7/9 MYM Meet-Up and a follow-up discussion:

  • Revisit and update data types
  • Look at financial/risk management data at a geospatial level
  • Consider IoT (sensors, etc.)
  • Consider AI
  • Update all references and links
  • Add new examples
  • Reconsider the concept of "ownership" versus origination
  • Revisit/expand key data use areas and questions for agricultural businesses in light of:
    • PIPEDA (Canada)
    • GDPR (EU) and the EU agricultural Code of Conduct
    • Australian agriculture-related Code of Conduct
    • Forthcoming LGPD (Brazil, slated for 2021 implementation), and
    • US state laws, including the CCPA and CPRA (California) and privacy laws and requirements in Virginia, New York, and elsewhere
  • Update PII definition to show differences in PII in the US for agriculture, especially in governmental programs, versus PII under GDPR, et al.
  • Look into FAIR principles

The group reviewed the ideas discussed on July 9 and in a follow-up conversation with Simone van de Burg of Wangenian


"Ownership" versus "origination"

"How do I do this at home" - in other words, once I have the questions to ask, how do I do it?

First update: focus on AgGateway member companies and keep it 'inside' company-focus

Reviewed items previously considered but not done:

  • Targeted executive summaries & talking points
    • Members by industry segment
    • Service providers
    • Farmers
  • Supplemental papers
    • De-identification when using & interpreting data
    • Ag data vs Personally Identifiable Information (PII): Different? Same? When and how?
    • Tackle ‘ownership’ as a concept and give resources for individual companies to consider?

Further Discussion:

Farmer versus service provider/advisor (agronomist, etc.) concerns

  • Service provider likely used multiple tools from multiple vendors to create maps and prescriptions for the farmer, thus sharing the farmer's data, and the farmer may/may not know
  • Also: where does the data go once someone is 'done' with it? How does your data get removed?

Data ethics by design (need to do EARLY in the process of building a system or service)

5Summarize Updates Needed

Summarize update list

Summarize additions list

This activity will take place during the initial white paper maintenance working group meetings.

6Next Steps

Group revisits how maintenance work happens

Group determines whether hold an additional Meet-Up or move to Task Force formation

  • Will operate as a working group, will be a subgroup of S&G
  • Still discussing the level of transparency for this activity; may have an activity tracker, but not a full dashboard
  • Will include the ability to track future work actions
  • Will have a core group of participants for doing the work, with participants identified through a call for participation.

Jessica Trites Rolle and Brent Kemp to meet and develop call for participation message and draft a simple group charter for the initial maintenance update scope of work. Distribute the call for participation to AgGateway members in the first half of August.

7Next Meeting

To be scheduled after the call for participation.


 at _____ 3 p.m. US Central Time

Tasks/Action Items

WhoWhen AssignedWhatDeadline Status
Brent Kemp7/9/2020Establish July 23 Meet-Up and distribute invitationComplete
Jessica Trites Rolle7/12/23/2020

With Brent Kemp, develop call for participation message and draft a simple group charter for the initial maintenance update scope of work.

Distribute the call for participation to AgGateway members in the first half of August.
